ANTINATURAL[+] have a new gacha at the LootBox event which is available to play now. The Deathracer gacha is available to play in both Maitreya, Slink Hourglass and Hourglass petite and Gianni sizes. The suit can also fit Belleza Jake though, try a demo first .  You can check out a preview of it here.

ANTINATURAL[+] is a collaboration between CURELESS[+] and anxiety % 

⛧ Lootbox is open between 28th March - 28th April 

 ✞ Taxi to Lootbox 


•Bike• ANTINATURAL[+] Deathracer / Speed Demon RARE @ Lootbox

•Build• ANTINATURAL[+] Deathracer / Death Storage RARE @ Lootbox

•Build (left)• ANTINATURAL[+] Synthetic Crush / BUILD1.01

•Red Bot• ANTINATURAL[+] Deathracer / Watcher Bot Companion RARE @ Lootbox

•Blue Bot• ANTINATURAL[+] Deathracer / Grinner Bot Companion RARE @ Lootbox
